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Deck Collect

Bicycle Purple Trace

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PURPLE TRACE DECK - Cards Feature a purple trace of the Traditional 808 Designed Back that can be used in any standard 52 card game and even includes 2 Gaff cards to do a magic card trick called Million Dollar Monte. The jokers are one of an angel and the other a devil. The Ace of spades is done in a mixture of good and evil.

Added by Wattsup1973

Bicycle Purple Trace

PURPLE TRACE DECK - Cards Feature a purple trace of the Traditional 808 Designed Back that can be used in any standard 52 card game and even includes 2 Gaff cards to do a magic card trick called Million Dollar Monte. The jokers are one of an angel and the other a devil. The Ace of spades is done in a mixture of good and evil.

Added by Wattsup1973