Piano Deck

PIANO DECK is a collaboration between playing cards and piano. You can play playing cards and create songs about animals that everyone knows. A note table is included, so don't worry if you've never played a piano or can't read notes! It also comes with instructions on how to create animal songs, so you can enjoy it right away. If you do not have a piano, you can enjoy it with PIANO DECK at your fingertips by installing the piano app on your smartphone or tablet. This PIANO DECK will also be made with MPC! Custom Game Cards (63 x 88mm) (55 cards) Card Stock: (M31) Linen Card Finish: Beta Playing Card Finish トランプとピアノをコラボレーションしたPIANO DECK。トランプでみんなが知っている動物の曲を作って遊べます。 音符表が付属しているのでピアノを触ったことがない方音符が読めない方も安心!動物曲の作り方も付属しているのですぐに楽しめます。ピアノをお持ちでない方はスマホやタブレットのピアノアプリをインストールすることで手元でPIANO DECKと一緒に楽しめます。
Make Playing Cards (MPC)Features
Poker size,BorderedStocks & Finishes
M31 Linen,MPC Beta FinishAdded by Manu
Piano Deck2022
PIANO DECK is a collaboration between playing cards and piano. You can play playing cards and create songs about animals that everyone knows. A note table is included, so don't worry if you've never played a piano or can't read notes! It also comes with instructions on how to create animal songs, so you can enjoy it right away. If you do not have a piano, you can enjoy it with PIANO DECK at your fingertips by installing the piano app on your smartphone or tablet. This PIANO DECK will also be made with MPC! Custom Game Cards (63 x 88mm) (55 cards) Card Stock: (M31) Linen Card Finish: Beta Playing Card Finish トランプとピアノをコラボレーションしたPIANO DECK。トランプでみんなが知っている動物の曲を作って遊べます。 音符表が付属しているのでピアノを触ったことがない方音符が読めない方も安心!動物曲の作り方も付属しているのですぐに楽しめます。ピアノをお持ちでない方はスマホやタブレットのピアノアプリをインストールすることで手元でPIANO DECKと一緒に楽しめます。
Make Playing Cards (MPC)Features
Poker size,BorderedStocks & Finishes
M31 Linen,MPC Beta FinishAdded by Manu