The Wheel of the Year (Samhain)

The ancient peoples of Europe lived not by a calendar of months and days, but by observing and listening from to the signals from nature. These civilisations lived and died by the harvests and the changing of the seasons. Samhain Deck The festivals of Samhain and Imbolc came at equal distance from the points of Beltane and Lughnasdh, and signalled the beginning and the end of the coldest and harshest times of the year. Samhain was a time for honouring the dead, and would later become the modern Halloween. Legends and stories of heroes, monsters and bizarre happenings were told during these times much like today, and the Samhain deck will explore some of the most curious tales that were said to have occurred during the 'thinning of the veil' between the lands of the living and the dead.
Jocu Playing CardsManufacturers
Cartamundi,Boschiero & NewtonStocks & Finishes
B9 SlimLine,B9 True LinenAdded by Skywatcher
The Wheel of the Year (Samhain)
The ancient peoples of Europe lived not by a calendar of months and days, but by observing and listening from to the signals from nature. These civilisations lived and died by the harvests and the changing of the seasons. Samhain Deck The festivals of Samhain and Imbolc came at equal distance from the points of Beltane and Lughnasdh, and signalled the beginning and the end of the coldest and harshest times of the year. Samhain was a time for honouring the dead, and would later become the modern Halloween. Legends and stories of heroes, monsters and bizarre happenings were told during these times much like today, and the Samhain deck will explore some of the most curious tales that were said to have occurred during the 'thinning of the veil' between the lands of the living and the dead.
Jocu Playing CardsManufacturers
Cartamundi,Boschiero & NewtonStocks & Finishes
B9 SlimLine,B9 True LinenAdded by Skywatcher