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Aircraft Recognition Playing Cards

Deck image This deck of Aircraft Recognition Playing Cards is a modern interpretation of historical aircraft "spotters" cards used in World War II. Historically, spotters playing cards were developed and distributed to allied forces to help them identify and determine if aircraft flying above were friendly or foe. This updated interpretation of a spotters deck depicts in-service aircraft from the United States armed forces (as of 2022). This deck of cards is a great gift for aircraft lovers and aviation enthusiasts in your life. All illustrations included in this deck of cards were hand created specially for this deck of cards. The idea of this deck came to me as a gift to create for my girlfriend when she was applying to join the United States Air Force. I created this deck as a way for her to have a fun way to remember us while increasing her knowledge of the aircraft she'd be spending time around.

Added by hsbc

Aircraft Recognition Playing Cards2023 This deck of Aircraft Recognition Playing Cards is a modern interpretation of historical aircraft "spotters" cards used in World War II. Historically, spotters playing cards were developed and distributed to allied forces to help them identify and determine if aircraft flying above were friendly or foe. This updated interpretation of a spotters deck depicts in-service aircraft from the United States armed forces (as of 2022). This deck of cards is a great gift for aircraft lovers and aviation enthusiasts in your life. All illustrations included in this deck of cards were hand created specially for this deck of cards. The idea of this deck came to me as a gift to create for my girlfriend when she was applying to join the United States Air Force. I created this deck as a way for her to have a fun way to remember us while increasing her knowledge of the aircraft she'd be spending time around.

Added by hsbc