The Wheel of the Year (Lughnasadh)

The 'Wheel of the Year', the relatively modern amalgamation of the seasonal festivals of the Celtic, Anglo-Saxon and Norse peoples, features eight different festivals taking place roughly twice every season, most importantly during the solstices and the mid-points between them. Lughnasadh (pronounced 'LOO-nuh-suhd') was a festival of particular importance to the Celts but overwhelmingly for those in Ireland where it effectively celebrates the founding of the country, and it is still celebrated in many forms today. It takes place around the time of the grain harvest, grain being a staple food for the Celtic people, and therefore coincides with the height of summ
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The Wheel of the Year (Lughnasadh)
The 'Wheel of the Year', the relatively modern amalgamation of the seasonal festivals of the Celtic, Anglo-Saxon and Norse peoples, features eight different festivals taking place roughly twice every season, most importantly during the solstices and the mid-points between them. Lughnasadh (pronounced 'LOO-nuh-suhd') was a festival of particular importance to the Celts but overwhelmingly for those in Ireland where it effectively celebrates the founding of the country, and it is still celebrated in many forms today. It takes place around the time of the grain harvest, grain being a staple food for the Celtic people, and therefore coincides with the height of summ
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