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Deck Collect

Heritage Series (Hearts)

Deck image

Jocu presents our seventh project - The Heritage Series. A four-deck love letter to the decks which first ignited our passion for elegant, luxury playing cards and the hands that wielded them with such finesse. The Heritage Series is a premium, traditional set of fully-custom playing cards exploring the evolution of our beloved traditional suits and what they have represented throughout history. Designed to be our flagship deck for players, collectors and magicians, The Heritage Series is meant to be used, shown off and thoroughly enjoyed.

Added by Skywatcher

Heritage Series (Hearts)

Jocu presents our seventh project - The Heritage Series. A four-deck love letter to the decks which first ignited our passion for elegant, luxury playing cards and the hands that wielded them with such finesse. The Heritage Series is a premium, traditional set of fully-custom playing cards exploring the evolution of our beloved traditional suits and what they have represented throughout history. Designed to be our flagship deck for players, collectors and magicians, The Heritage Series is meant to be used, shown off and thoroughly enjoyed.

Added by Skywatcher