Sleep Walk (Standard)

In the scene of dreams, the first thing that comes to mind is the bed—only with a bed can there be a dream. Closely connected to the theme, the entire process progresses from the door into the room, then from the room to the bed, followed by sleep, and ultimately into the dream, with each step building upon the next in a seamless progression. The inspiration drawn from dreams is reflected through various elements that present the world of dreams. For example, the widely recognized onomatopoeic "zzz" appears in the design. It represents the image of people snoring in their sleep and has become a universal symbol of peaceful rest. In addition, lying on the pillow with closed eyes is the most common way we fall asleep. Holding a teddy bear symbolizes a carefree childhood and a longing for safety and comfort.
TCC Playing Card Co.Artist
Poker size,Embossed tuck,Kickstarter,Inner tuck printing,Metallic Ink,Matte tuck,Reverse tuckPrint Run
Added by Skywatcher
Sleep Walk (Standard)2025
In the scene of dreams, the first thing that comes to mind is the bed—only with a bed can there be a dream. Closely connected to the theme, the entire process progresses from the door into the room, then from the room to the bed, followed by sleep, and ultimately into the dream, with each step building upon the next in a seamless progression. The inspiration drawn from dreams is reflected through various elements that present the world of dreams. For example, the widely recognized onomatopoeic "zzz" appears in the design. It represents the image of people snoring in their sleep and has become a universal symbol of peaceful rest. In addition, lying on the pillow with closed eyes is the most common way we fall asleep. Holding a teddy bear symbolizes a carefree childhood and a longing for safety and comfort.
TCC Playing Card Co.Artist
Poker size,Embossed tuck,Kickstarter,Inner tuck printing,Metallic Ink,Matte tuck,Reverse tuckPrint Run
Added by Skywatcher