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Deck Collect

Užupio Kortos [Užupis Cards]

Deck image After releasing the historic Lithuanian deck, Gedimino Stulpai, the Lithuanian Cards team was approached by Laura Virkutienė - who had a great idea - creating a new beautiful deck of cards about Užupis - one of the most fascinating places in Lithuania. We have partnered up with a brilliant artist Anastasia Bereza and for more than 12 months worked on making this idea into a reality

Added by hsbc

Užupio Kortos [Užupis Cards]2022 After releasing the historic Lithuanian deck, Gedimino Stulpai, the Lithuanian Cards team was approached by Laura Virkutienė - who had a great idea - creating a new beautiful deck of cards about Užupis - one of the most fascinating places in Lithuania. We have partnered up with a brilliant artist Anastasia Bereza and for more than 12 months worked on making this idea into a reality

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