Egoism Relic

[SCAN DID NOT CAPTURE COLOR ACCURATELY] Egoism Relic is the gilded, luxury edition of Egoism Ivory Eternal Edition (EE) – This deck is mainly reserved to TWI Patrons. Copper gilding Metallic copper letterpressed box by Clove St Press Sealed and numbered (640 decks made in total) Not-so standard courts, that resemble the classic french playing cards… with a TWI twist Full-bleed copper metallic ink background on cards 4 Jokers Printed by USPCC Traditional cut
Thirdway IndustriesArtist
Giovanni MeroniManufacturers
USPCC,Clove St. PressStock & Finish
Air-CushionPrint Run
Added by hsbc
Egoism Relic2022
[SCAN DID NOT CAPTURE COLOR ACCURATELY] Egoism Relic is the gilded, luxury edition of Egoism Ivory Eternal Edition (EE) – This deck is mainly reserved to TWI Patrons. Copper gilding Metallic copper letterpressed box by Clove St Press Sealed and numbered (640 decks made in total) Not-so standard courts, that resemble the classic french playing cards… with a TWI twist Full-bleed copper metallic ink background on cards 4 Jokers Printed by USPCC Traditional cut
Thirdway IndustriesArtist
Giovanni MeroniManufacturers
USPCC,Clove St. PressStock & Finish
Air-CushionPrint Run
Added by hsbc