Matrix Edition 1 LE [Matte Tuck] 55 cards printed by MPC on Linen stock with MPC finish 2-way, fully custom, full bleed deck and custom tuck Custom, hand numbered numbered seal Tuck: two-color letterpress by Typoretum on G.F. Smith Colorplan White Frost 350gsm The tuck can be signed for free, included in the price. Backer can request this after the campaign ends. Tuck is signed on front of the tuck, then re-cello'd. Custom personalised, additional ace of spades card with every deck - get your name, a message, anything you like on an extra AoS card that comes outside the tuck box! Printed, signed certificate of ownership The limited edition deck, but now you can upgrade the tuck box so it has a premium white matte stock, two pantones letterpressed for texture! These decks will be numbered separately to the other LE decks. So if for example we have 20 upgrades, and 100 not upgraded, they will X/20 and X/100 respectively making them even more special!!!
Luke Wadey DesignArtist
Luke WadeyManufacturers
Make Playing Cards (MPC),TyporetumStock & Finish
LinenPrint Run
Added by hsbc
Matrix Edition 1 LE [Matte Tuck]2023 55 cards printed by MPC on Linen stock with MPC finish 2-way, fully custom, full bleed deck and custom tuck Custom, hand numbered numbered seal Tuck: two-color letterpress by Typoretum on G.F. Smith Colorplan White Frost 350gsm The tuck can be signed for free, included in the price. Backer can request this after the campaign ends. Tuck is signed on front of the tuck, then re-cello'd. Custom personalised, additional ace of spades card with every deck - get your name, a message, anything you like on an extra AoS card that comes outside the tuck box! Printed, signed certificate of ownership The limited edition deck, but now you can upgrade the tuck box so it has a premium white matte stock, two pantones letterpressed for texture! These decks will be numbered separately to the other LE decks. So if for example we have 20 upgrades, and 100 not upgraded, they will X/20 and X/100 respectively making them even more special!!!
Luke Wadey DesignArtist
Luke WadeyManufacturers
Make Playing Cards (MPC),TyporetumStock & Finish
LinenPrint Run
Added by hsbc